Modern Energy has the capability to calculate expected pre-construction ice-loss for wind turbines operating in cold climates. This is done by conducting high resolution simulations of local weather in WRF. The local wind speed, moisture and temperature data is extracted and used in an inhouse model where the climatic data is translated into production loss due to ice on the blades. The inhouse method also takes into account turbine data, turbine control parameters and de-icing parameters (if applicable), to calculate the turbine specific ice-loss.
The model produces time series of ice-loss at each turbine, which is post-processed into annual and long-term production loss due to ice. The model also generates an ice-loss map, which can be used as input to the layout optimization toolbox utilized by Modern Energy. This enables wind turbine layouts to include the effect of ice-loss already at the planning/optimization stage.
Modern Energy also provides prognostic ice-loss forecasts. This is a product developed to help wind farm operators predicting the power output during the winter months. This has significant value as imbalance costs in winter can be reduced.
For more details and model validation see the methodology section Ice loss modelling.